Insect control Autumn 2021

Well late Summer and Autumn 2021 saw the most aggressive onset of our dreaded cutworm types I have known since 1991. Late season humidity and moisture saw incredible Sod Webworm and Lawn Armyworm activity. Rumours abound that we have another cutworm type called Fall Armyworm in the state. Perhaps the most alarming trend in this …

winter grass

Triple Threat To Lawns

Wintergrass, Cutworm activity, Dollar Spot fungal activity Getting towards the end of another long hot watering season sees the triple threat to your lawn. The threats consist of the Wintergrass germination period commencing throughout Autumn – get your lawn pre-treated with a proven Pre-Emergent performer. Remember the active ingredients supplied via garden centres and Hardware …


We are now in the middle of what has been a very active season for cutworm infestation. What is Cutworm? Cutworm is a tiny larval grub that is about as long as your fingernail. They feed feverishly at night, and are almost impossible to see during the day as they return below the surface of …